Communion Team

Sign up

Communion servers have the responsibility to prepare and distribute the elements of the Lord’s Supper. This ministry requires all servers to be resident members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown. Outside of serving the elements, volunteers may be asked to help clean the trays following the service as well.

Requirements to serve

While you prayerfully consider joining Redeemer’s community of volunteers, please acknowledge the following commitments:

  1. We ask for a one-year commitment to serve once per month plus one additional Sunday each year. If you can only serve for a shorter period of time, please inform the Volunteer Manager when you sign up.
  2. If you cannot attend the Sunday you are scheduled to serve, you must request a substitute through our online system and commit to serve on a different Sunday that month.
  3. You must attend a volunteer training session within your first year of serving. You will receive dates and reminders of when to register.