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Select a positionThere is nothing that God held back in giving us Jesus, and there is nothing that Jesus held back in giving up his life for our sake. Therefore, as followers of Jesus, we are free to live generous lives.
For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. — 2 Corinthians 8:9
At Redeemer Downtown, we invite everyone to prayerfully consider a holistic approach to generosity that includes being generous through acts of service, relationships, hospitality, the privileges and power we hold, and our money.
Make a Gift online via electronic check or credit card. We prefer electronic check as it avoids the need for us to pay a 1.5% - 2.5% processing fee.
If Redeemer Downtown is your church home and you don't yet give in a planned way, please consider the easy next step of setting up a recurring gift.
If you donate appreciated securities—stock, mutual funds, bonds, American Depository Receipts, and other “property”—you often receive a greater tax benefit than you would from selling them and donating cash. Please contact Priscilla Dewing (917-206-1427) if you are considering this kind of gift so that we can understand how you would like this gift to be utilized and send you a tax receipt in a timely manner. For gifts of securities, please note that it may take four to five business days from the time your broker initiates a stock transfer to Redeemer Downtown until the settlement date when the proceeds are credited to Redeemer Downtown’s account and recognized as a gift. If you would like to donate securities you can initiate the transfer through your broker and request that the securities be transferred to:
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2014
Credit Acct No.: P72500 E21143004
DTC #: 0902
FFC Acct Name: Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown
Current Redeemer Downtown members and attendees can donate bitcoin and other cryptocurrency through Coinbase, Bitpay, and Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund. If you prefer to send your gift to Redeemer Downtown’s Coinbase account, you can do so by sending a Coinbase gift to our bitcoin team.
If you would like to mail a check, please send to:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown, Attn: DT Finance Dept
150 W. 83rd St
New York, NY 10024
Certain Redeemer ministries, like Redeemer Counseling Services, meet many companies' requirements for matching-gift programs. Many companies do not allow matching gifts to religious organizations or churches. To learn more, check your company’s policy.
We are registered as an eligible charity with Paypal Giving Fund. Navigate to "Donate to a Cause" in your dashboard and search for "Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown".
Giving through March 23 was $1.09 1MM which is $61 K ahead of our year-to-date goal of $1.029 MM. We need to receive $4.01 MM by the end of the year to meet our goal of $5.1 MM.
If Redeemer Downtown has become your home church, would you consider setting setting up recurring gift today? Click here.
No. The full amount of your gift will be tax deductible.
Only if the online gift is through a credit or debit card. Redeemer Downtown pays 1.5% - 2.5% merchant fees for each credit or debit card gift. Fees are higher with Amex as compared to Visa or Mastercard. Please consider giving through electronic check by entering your account and routing numbers when making larger gifts.
We are able to accept gifts via echeck of up to $250,000 per week per person. Gifts can be made directly on our website. Credit card gift limits are set by your credit card provider.
In the event that you are planning to make a large gift at the end of the year with your credit card, you may want to call your credit card company in advance to pre-authorize your gift transaction, particularly if you plan on making multiple gifts to Redeemer Downtown within a short time span. Redeemer Downtown has found through experience that some credit card issuers may require your authorization to process your online gift. With the proper pre-authorization measures in place, we are able to accept gifts via Visa/Mastercard/Discover of up to $100,000 per single gift. Please contact us if you wish to make multiple Visa/Mastercard/Discover gifts greater than $100,000 in the aggregate. We are able to accept gifts via Amex of any amount. Credit card gifts can be made directly on our website.
Echecks and credit card gifts that are made online and time stamped by 11:59pm on December 31st will be included in your tax deductible contribution statement for the year.
Mailed checks which are postmarked by December 31 by the US Postal Service will be included in your tax deductible contribution statement for the year. Please note that IRS regulations require that checks sent through overnight carriers (such as UPS or FedEx) must be recorded on the date that the charity receives the check (rather than a postmarked date). So if you send a donation via UPS or FedEx (or any carrier other than the US Postal Service), Redeemer Downtown must record that donation on the date the check is received, rather than the date the check is mailed.
Gifts of marketable securities need to be received into our brokerage account by 4 p.m. of the last business day of the year in order for the gift to be included in the tax deductible contribution statement for that year. Please keep in mind that these type of transfers can take several business days or even weeks to process. Redeemer Downtown must record the receipt of the securities on the day that the securities are visible and able to be traded in our brokerage account. Please consult with your tax accountant for further details on deductibility.
© 2024 Redeemer Downtown. Part of the Redeemer Family of Churches. All rights reserved.